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  • Minebea AccessSolutions Brasil Ltd.

    Minebea AccessSolutions Brasil Ltd.


      Rua Raimundo Nonato de Castro, 490 – Santo Agostinho – Manaus CEP: 69036-790 TEL: 55-092-2125-9400 FAX: 55-092-2125-9450
    Company name Minebea AccessSolutions do Brasil Ltda.
    Establish May 2005
    Address Manaus, Amazonas State
    Country Name Brasil
    Address RuaRaimundoNonato de Castro 490 Bairro Santo Agostinho CEP : 69036-790 Manaus-AM CNPJ : 0737954610001-44
    FAX 55-092-2125-9450
    Number of employees 327
    Khu vực hiện trường 30,500 m2
    Construction area 7,700 m2
    Capital 22,000,000 Real
    Sales volume 3,870-million yen (2011)
    Main customers Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda. (HDA), the other client
    Business Manufacture and sell motorcycle parts
    Main products Key set, starter key and magnetic starter switch for motorcycle

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